Welcome to Blossom

My name is Rachael and I am the Director of Blossom Children’s Occupational Therapy Ltd. Within the team, we are able to provide a multi-disciplinary approach using our various professions to create team around the child. Our team consists of :

  • Specialist Paediatric Occupational Therapists
  • Specialist Paediatric Speech & Language Therapists
  • A therapy dog

Alongside our primary Therapist qualifications, the team also has post graduate training in the following fields:

  • Sensory Integration
  • Sensory Attachment
  • Literacy tutoring
  • Children’s Yoga
  • Social, Emotional & behavioural Difficulties
  • Dysphagia
Blossom Childrens Occupational Therapy

Where are we?

We have a clinic in Stanion Village, Northamptonshire where we provide assessments, therapy, training and support groups. Together we provide a holistic approach to supporting children, their families and their educational settings. We can offer support from our clinic space for anyone wishing to travel. We also provide community based work in Northamptonshire, Leicestershire, Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire.

Who can we support?

Occupational Therapy :

  • Fine Motor skills
  • Handwriting
  • Gross motor skills & coordination
  • Sensory Processing difficulties
  • Self help/ care skills
  • Self esteem / anxiety and consequent impact on presentation
  • Dysregulation and difficulty managing emotions

Speech & Language Therapy:

  • Speech sound delays and disorders
  • Stammering (dysfluency)
  • Language Disorders
  • Social Communication and Interaction
  • Communication difficulties associated with social, emotional, behavioural or mental health needs (SEMH)
  • Gestalt Language Processors (developing language in chunks)
  • Eating, drinking and swallowing Including children with avoidant or or restrictive eating
  • Selective/ Situational Mutism

What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapy is a person-centred profession concerned with promoting a balanced range of occupations to enhance health and wellbeing. Occupations refer to everything people do in the course of their daily life. Occupational therapists believe that everyone has the right to the opportunity to fulfil their potential.


What is Speech & Language Therapy?

At Blossom, we believe that every child deserves their voice to be heard. Our Speech and Language Therapists work jointly with the Occupational Therapists, to ensure children’s needs are recognised and supported in all aspects of their lives.

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